This is a mini-tutorial on how to integrate Typed.js in Webflow.
Step 1:

Go to your Webflow project and navigate to the page you want to use the typed effect.

Add this code snippet before your page's </body> tags.

Replace "How to integrate Typed.js" with the text you want get typed out.
You could also use multiple lines of text like this ["a string", "another string", "yet another string"] 

or even pause after certain words or phrases by adding ^ followed by the amount of time in milliseconds like this ["first string^750", "second string"]. the ^750 means it will wait 750ms before continuing.

Step 2:

Now for the blinking cursor effect place this code snippet between your <head> tags.

Step 3:

We're almost done, now add a div element where you want the typed effect to happen and give it the class "typed", set "typed" to display: inline-block.

That's it you're done!